Engagement Model and Pricing

We help companies validate their spends

Our engagement model

BOT Model

ODC or NDC (Offshore/Nearshore development center)
is a great fit for many business needs. If you are looking
for an even more involved cooperation, and see the
establishment of your own business, or the retainment of
intellectual capital in the local market as a future business
goal, then our Build-Operate-Transfer model can be just
right for you.

Managed Services

At Brickred, we work as an extension of your
organization to manage an increasingly complex environment of technology, processes, systems and
software. Our bundled managed services programs are
a balance of people processes and platform
(technology) perfectly aligned to meet our clients’ unique needs on a more manageable timeline and budget.

Fixed Price

Our fixed price solution includes all the IT services you
need to suit your unique project. You know what your
costs are upfront. You can space out payments evenly
and not worry about financial uncertainty.

Time & Material

This model works for businesses who are already
into software development and information
technology and need a resource or team to fulfill
high demand by hiring dedicated expert resources.

Our Pricing

Hourly Rate

Apply to those projects which are time priority, small or have specific requirements

Monthly Rate

Apply to our clients with whom we have established or want to establish long-term relationship

Project Rate

Apply to middle to large volume data projects. We
estimate how long the project will take then offer
certain discount based on our hourly rate

Transaction Rate

This is available in selective services in case of high
volume transaction entry